Our Goals

  • To continue to contend for the prophetic words for Wailing Women as well as the prophetic words for Trinidad and Tobago
  • To anoint and bring into covenant with the Lord every piece of land, sea, and air space of Trinidad and Tobago either physically or prophetically or both.
  • To see each wailing woman in Trinidad and Tobago come into a greater understanding of the Call they have answered to: through discipleship and mentoring that include education, training, empowerment to become self-sufficient through opportunities for growth (in business, career or in pursuant of dreams and aspirations), this can be facilitated by attendance at seminars, summits, retreats, vigils and conferences.
  • To see vibrant expansion within chapters (WDS, Widows / widowers, Husbands)
  • Using monthly night vigil as a short national retreat, to possess the gates of the new month and bring the WWTT before the Lord as per His instruction.
  • To use “Soup for Souls” to evangelize and show the love of Jesus Christ in a small but Tangible way