A facilitator could be a WHAT! As in an organization facilitation is not limited to a person or a face.   Facilitators are about making the Work easy or easier!

  • Not for reward but for the sake of changing mind-sets and transforming life.

Where does facilitation take place?

Cuts across:

  • Culture – African, Caribbean, Asian, European, American and mixed
  • Social status- Drivers, Educators, Business owners / Entrepreneurs, Retirees, Youth and Students,  Unemployed persons, Lawyers, Healthcare professionals, Bankers, Senators, Kings, Queens (whosoever will commit to making the work easier).
  • Geography – nations, regions, continent and global

Why Facilitate?

  • To be a channel or conduit of blessing
  • To be a source of blessing
  • To be a recipient of blessing

How to facilitate? By doing what you can to make the work easy or easier in whatever way with whatever resources God has endowed or blessed you with.

To ALL our Facilitators; present, past and future, we appreciate you: for who you are, for what you have done, what you are doing and intend to do most importantly the manner in which you do what you do. May our God richly bless and reward you, whom you facilitate by facilitating This work of Wailing Women Trinidad and Tobago!


Dr. Jacqueline Shafe

  • Coordinator
  • Wailing Woman Worldwide – Trinidad & Tobago
  • Email: wailingwomentrinidadandtobago@gmail.com
  • Tel: 1 (868) 689-9887


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